Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

Mt. Vernon Administrative Service Center, 1806 W State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040
Monday, September 16 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm

    1. Pledge of Allegiance (7:00 PM)
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    2. Call to Order
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    3. Adoption of Agenda
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    Please Reference Policies
    H225 (Public Comments and Concerns) and
    B225 (Meetings) for guidance on providing public input on an agenda item.
    Board policies can be found at

    5. Reports
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    5.1 Good News Report
    Mrs. Maria Bond, Director of Community Relations

    5.2 Preschool Renovation & Expansion
    Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer & Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent

    5.3 District Spotlight: Middle School
    Dr. Lori Katz. Mt Vernon Middle School Principal

    6. Pre-Bargaining Public Hearing of the Classroom Teachers' Association and Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation
    Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent

    September 16, 2024, 7pm; Hearing Location:  MVCSC Board Room

    Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(b) requires a school employer and school employees to hold a public hearing and take public testimony to discuss the items described in the Indiana Teacher Collective Bargaining Law (specifically Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(a)) before engaging in formal collective bargaining.

    Therefore, Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation and the Mt. Vernon Classroom Teachers’ Association hereby convene this public hearing in accordance with SEA 390.  I am Chad Gray, School Board President, serving as the board’s representative for this joint public hearing.  Assistant Superintendent Chris Smedley, and CFO, Greg Elkins are joining me today to represent the school corporation. We are also joined by Desiray Scalf, President of the MVCTA, Kristi Norton, Vice President of the MVCTA. They are here on behalf of the Teachers’ Association.  We would like to thank everyone for being here today, representing both bargaining teams.  

    As with all public comments before the school board, the parties request that all who speak at this hearing limit their comments to the subject at hand and speak concisely and cordially.

    7. Public Hearing: 2025 Budget
    Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

    The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888) 739-9826.

    Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 1806 W. State Road 234.

    Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation, Hancock County, Indiana that the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2025 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will meet to adopt the following budget:

    Date of Public Hearing Monday, September 16 2024 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 PM

    Date of Adoption Meeting Monday, October 21 2024 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 PM

    Public Hearing Place 1806 W. State Road 234

    Adoption Meeting Place 1806 W. State Road 234



    8. 2025 Budget Action Item: Resolution 2024-16 Excess Levy Appeal

    9. Consent Agenda
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    9.1 Regular Session Minutes

    9.2 Personnel Report

    9.3 Claims

    9.4 Construction Claims

    9.5 Construction Change Orders

    Millennium Contractors, LLC - MVMS Parking Improvements

    BMI Corp. - New FES

    James Babcock, Inc. - MV Site Lighting

    Millennium Construction - Water Vault Relocation

    Indiana Steel - New FES

    Jack Laurie Floorings - New FES

    PR Bean - New FES

    Millennium Contractors, LLC - MVMS Parking Improvements

    9.6 Monthly Fund Transfers

    9.7 Overnight Field Trip Request

    9.8 Donation Approval

    11. Board Member Reports
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

    Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt
    Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman
    Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards
    McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls
    MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray

    12. Announcements
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    13. Adjournment
    Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President
