Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees Tentative Agreement Meeting

1. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President


The Invocation was given by Mrs. Shannon Walls.

2. Call to Order
Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President


The Board of School Trustees held a meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Administrative Service Center for the purpose of discussing the Tentative Agreement between the Board of School Trustees of the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation and Mt. Vernon Classroom Teachers' Association.

3. Discussion of Terms of Tentative Agreement
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

The School Board will meet pursuant to Indiana Code 20-29-6-19(a) to discuss the terms of the tentative agreement of the teacher collective bargaining agreement, which is posted at


Dr. Parker turned the meeting over to Mr. Chris Smedley, the corporation's chief negotiator.  Mr. Smedley went over the terms of the agreement, per the attached. 

Mrs. Freeman thanked Mr. Smedley for all his hard work on this agreement along with his team, Mr. Elkins, Mr. Shipley and Dr. Parker.  She especially wanted to thank all the teachers who volunteered their time to work with administrators to come up with this agreement.  

4. Adjournment
Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President


Mr. May made a motion to adjourn at 6:10 p.m.  Mrs. Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.