Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

1. Pledge of Allegiance (7:00 PM)
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr Chad Gray led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Call to Order
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Chad Gray called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. 

Mr Phil Edwards was present via Zoom. 

3. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Dr. Parker shared that two donation were added for approval.  

Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the agenda.   Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

Motioned: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Please Reference Policies
H225 (Public Comments and Concerns) and
B225 (Meetings) for guidance on providing public input on an agenda item.
Board policies can be found at


No one signed in to speak. 

5. Reports
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

5.1 Good News Report
Mrs. Maria Bond, Director of Community Relations


School Accolades & Notable Activities

  • MVHS Small Smiles club helped to spread smiles throughout MVHS by placing kind notes in the staff lounge and throughout the building.
  •  Jennifer Leavell at FES received a FORUM 2024/2025 Educator Grant to purchase forward facing book displays in the library to engage students and to entice them to select a book matched with their interests.
  • MVHS has expanded course opportunities to offer the Registered Teacher Apprentice Program with two students committed to attend Ball State University to receive their bachelor’s degree in education and return to Mt. Vernon to teach. These students are able to earn a full year of college credits before graduating high school.
  • MVHS American Sign Language students traveled to FES to teach basic ASL signs to fifth grade students.
  • Mini-Marauder Preschool students paraded through the administration hallways wearing festive costumes as staff distributed goodies to each student. Many other schools enjoyed the costume festivities at the end of October as well.
  • A number of administrators throughout the district attended the fall Indiana School Safety Specialist Academy to maintain their advanced safety specialist certification.
  • As part of National School Lunch Week, our MVCSC Food Service offered fun and festive mascot-themed lunches.
  • Schools celebrated Red Ribbon Week in fun ways, including many themed dress-up days. Red Ribbon Week is a national drug-abuse prevention campaign.
  • Congratulations to MVHS’s 2025 Lilly Endowment Scholarship Finalists, Natalie Hudson and Maya Morales.
  • FES PTO purchased a unique book vending machine that distributes a book of their choice by using a specific coin that the students can earn.


  • MVHS alumnus, Tanner Koziol, who plays football at Ball State University, was named one of eight national semifinalists for the 2024 John Mackey Award that honors the most outstanding tight ends in college football.
  • Congrats to MVHS student, Ahmed Saleh, who finished 9th place at the state cross country state finals, as well as to the the boys cross country team who placed 16th. This is the first time since 2015 that the team has competed at state.
  • Congrats to the volleyball team who advanced to semi-state finals. Both the MVHS girls and boys soccer teams, as well as the boys tennis team, achieved becoming HHC champions again.
  • MVHS Girls Golf Team finished 5th at Regionals with their season-best and 14 strokes shy of state finals.

Community Connections

  • All five K-12 schools honored Veterans Day by hosting events open to Veterans. Students related to Veterans accompanied them through hallway parades, songs, military branch recognition, and more.
  • The Hancock Health Connection Center hosted the Rise Above It event at MVHS this year. Dinner and childcare for this mindful, self-care event was provided by the MVEF and Parent University. Attendees enjoyed a variety of guest speakers, including our own Dir. of Technology, Seth Hamilton. Vendors and self care stations included a relaxation station (massage), beautification station (salon), Bentley’s Buddies & Friends (therapy dog), In Their Shoes Domestic Violence Simulation and interpretive dance.
  • MV Athletics hosted their 4th Track-or-Treat with student clubs and teams in costumes distributing goodies to over 2,000 visitors. Canned goods and other non-perishables were collected and donated to local food pantries.
  • MVEF hosted a school board candidate forum that was live streamed and archived on their site.
  • Dr. Parker, Mr. Wilkison and additional staff attended the Hancock County Career Center and Amplify groundbreaking ceremony, complete with the shovel and hard-hat traditional picture.
  • MVMS hosted a career fair for all fifth through seventh grade students. The event hosted over twelve stations with representatives from career clusters including hospitality, public administration, high school pathways, communication, tourism human services, military opportunities and AV/technology.

5.2 Lilly Scholarship Finalist
Mrs. Brooke Tharp


Mrs. Tharp introduced Sarah House from the Hancock County Community Foundation.  She announced the Lilly Scholarship finalist for Mt. Vernon are Maya Morales and Natalie Hudson.  She reviewed criteria for the Lilly Scholarship the Foundation follows in choosing finalist. 

Mrs. Tharp introduced Natalie Hudson, a student with strong aspirations to enter the medical field. Mrs. Tharp also shared that Natalie is actively involved in a variety of clubs and activities, reflecting her dedication and passion for both her academic and extracurricular pursuits.   

Mrs. Tharp introduced Maya Morales, a student with aspirations to attend Butler University and pursue a career in business law. In addition to her academic goals, Mrs. Tharp highlighted Maya’s active participation in a variety of clubs and activities, which showcase her well-rounded interests and leadership skills.

Mrs. Tharp congratulated both individuals and their parents. The board and administration also extended their congratulations and wished them all the best in their future endeavors.

5.3 Spotlight on District: McCordsville Elementary
Mrs. Stephanie Miller


Mrs. Stephanie Miller presented an overview of the advanced math program at McCordsville Elementary. She introduced Jackson and Alyson, two students who are part of the program. The program focuses on identifying and engaging above-level students, with an emphasis on developing analytical skills and preparing students for STEM fields.

Mrs. Miller introduced Mrs. Dowden, an MES teacher, who shared insights into her class and the importance of fostering deep thinking and collaboration among students. This class allows students to engage in higher-level thinking, with a focus on problem-solving and perseverance. Acknowledging and nurturing students' talents helps guide them toward growth and success.

In the advanced math program, typical learners may need 7-8 repetitions to grasp a concept, while advanced students only need 2-3 repetitions and are able to move through material at a faster pace. These students not only retain information more quickly but also analyze what they’ve learned at a deeper level. Students often collaborate with one another, teaching and learning from each other, which fosters both intellectual and personal growth.

Advanced math challenges these students and pushes them to think critically and persevere through complex problems. Early exposure to this type of learning can greatly benefit them in the long run.

Alyson Booth and Jackson Dowden shared their personal experiences with the program. Alyson expressed that the program has benefited her by allowing her to move at a faster pace, preparing her for the future. Jackson shared that the program has helped him and other students move through math more quickly, and that the advanced skills they learn enable them to think outside the box. He enjoys the activities and challenges that come with the lessons, and added that his mom, Mrs. Dowden, is his teacher, which makes the experience even more special.


6. Public Hearing: 2024 Additional Appropriation
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation, Hancock County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at Administrative Building Board Room, 1806 W State Road 234 Fortville , IN 46040 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. on the 18th day of November, 2024.


Fund Name: EDUCATION FUND    Amount Requested: $3,000,000.00

Major Budget Classification:

10000 Instruction    $ 750,000.00 

20000 Support Services    $ 750,000.00

30000 Community Services    $ 0

40000 Nonprogrammed Charges    $ 1,500,000.00

50000 Debt Services    $ 0


TOTAL for EDUCATION Fund:    $ 3,000,000.00    

Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as  finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance (Department). The  Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken.

Dated: November 8-2024



Mr Greg Elkins shared the information on the public hearing. He presented to the board for consideration additional appropriations for year end adjustments. 

Mr Chad Gray opened the public hearing at 7:30pm.    No one available to speak.   Public Hearing closed at 7:31pm

7. Consent Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr Chad Gray presented the consent agenda items for approval.  Mrs. Shannon Walls made a motion to approve.  Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

Motioned: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

7.1 Regular Session Minutes

7.2 Personnel Report



  1. Catherine McCreight, FES Temporary PE Teacher
  2. MVCSC Administrative Salary Increase
  3. Mariah Long, FES Temporary SPED Teacher


  1. Julie Crist, MVHS Resource Teacher
  2. Tambra Bauchert, MVHS FACS Teacher (Retirement 12/31/2024)


  1. Crystal Reid, MVMS Portables Security Instructional Assistant
  2. Ashley Leathers, FES High Intensity Instructional Assistant
  3. Patricia Jesch, MMP Instructional Assistant
  4. Christie Jester, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver
  5. Chamuel Cassady, MVHS Part Time Student Custodian
  6. Tanya Parham, Payroll Specialist- Certified Staff
  7. Stephanie Evans, Salary Adjustment
  8. Grant Seach, FES Permanent Building Substitute
  9. Denise Floyd, All Heath Room Substitute
  10. Gary Rowe, MVHS Custodian
  11. Linda Vodney, FES ENL IA (Part Time


  1. Jaquelyn Tecua, MPS Instructional Assistant
  2. Jennifer Sims, MVCSC Certified OT Assistant
  3. Wynndel Finney, MVHS Part Time Food Service
  4. Chad Asher, FES Custodian
  5. Amanda Allueva, MCE Instructional Assistant


  1. Kacey Long, Food Service (6 Hours) to Substitute Bus Driver


  1. Courtney Stroup, MVMS Newspaper Club
  2. Ellen Heidorn, MVHS Science Olympiad Sponsor
  3. Lydgia Palmer, MVHS Girls Cross Country Head Coach (Revised to 50%)
  4. Ben Gale, MVHS Girls Cross Country Head Coach (50%)
  5. Tracy Vance, MVMS Flex Club
  6. MaLinda Rose, MVMS Volunteer Assistant Cheer Coach
  7. Emily McMullen, FES Kindergarten Team Leader, (Revised to 50%)
  8. Molly Koppang, FES Kindergarten Team Leader 50%


  1. Caitlin Crecelius, FES Maternity Leave (March 20, 2025 - June 3, 2025)
  2. Teri Limbach, Transportation Driver Medical Leave (October 14, 2024 - November 22, 2024)
  3. Sharon Tyner, FES Maternity Leave (December 10, 2024 - March 31, 2025)
  4. Kayla Rutledge, FES 5th Grade Teacher (November 25, 2024 - January 5, 2024)


7.3 Claims

7.4 Construction Claims

7.5 Construction Change Orders

Pridemark Construction - New Transportation 

FE Moran - New Fortville Elementary

Quality Walls & Ceilings - New Fortville Elementary

7.6 Preschool Renovation & Expansion

7.7 Monthly Fund Transfers

7.8 Overnight Field Trip Request

7.9 Donation Approval

7.10 Destruction of Obsolete Equipment

8. Action Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

8.1 Action Item for Public Hearing: 2024 Additional Appropriation
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Elkins presented Resolution 2024-19 Additional Appropriations Education Fund for approval. 

Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the Resolution.   Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Motioned: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.2 Resolution 2024-20 Approval of Annexation
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr Greg Elkins presented information for the approval of the Annexation of property.   The PEC Center and properties across the street are currently not part of the Town of Fortville.  The Annexation would allow this property to become part of the town to be consistent with the remainder of school property.    He asked for approval of Resolution of 2024-20 Approval of Annexation.   

Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-20.  Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

Motioned: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.3 Acceptance of 2024 Common School Loan (pending approval by Indiana State Board of Education)
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

Application for 2024 Fall Common School Technology Loan ($482,100) was submitted by 11/8/2024 to be paid back in 1 year via school's debt service at no impact to the 2025 tax rate. The 2025 budget presented in September and approved on October has this loan factored in. The school may accept, reject, or amend the terms of the loan, if approved. Common School Tech Loans are not subject to the current project thresholds (petition/remonstrance or capital referendum) and are not considered "debt" since they are an advancement of tuition funds.


Mr Greg Elkins presented information on the common school loan.  The common school loan will be specific to technology and capital needs for student devices.   He asked for approval.

 Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the Common School Fund Loan.  Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0.

Motioned: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.4 Approval of Lease
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr Greg Elkins presented the lease for Harvest Church. The lease would allow office space for the Technology Department during the Preschool renovation.  

Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the lease.   Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion. 

Mrs. Freeman asked if this was a one year lease and if it could be extended if needed.  Mr Hamilton shared information on how this space would be used for his team.  Mr. Gray shared his knowledge of the renovation and thinks this is the best flexible option for the intern.  

Motion passed 5-0


Motioned: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.5 Second Reading of Policies
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr. Parker presented the second reading on the updated policies.  

Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the updated policies.   Mrs Britt seconding the motion. Motion carried 5-0.


Motioned: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.6 Amendment to the 2024-25 Course Handbook for MVHS
Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent


Mr Smedley shared the updates to the 2024-25 MVHS course handbook. the updates included the new Career Exploration section allowing students to prepare for the new career center programs and to the ICE student course.  

Mrs. Freeman motioned to approve the updates.  Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.   Motion carried 5-0


Motioned: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

8.7 Resolution 2024-21 Interest in Purchasing Particular Properties
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr Elkins shared information on the parcels of land that are directly north of current construction.   For the Future growth plan he would like research information on an available parcel.  He is only looking for information on the properties not purchasing.   He asked for approval on Resolution 2024-21 to allow him to research the information.  

Mrs. Walls motioned to approve Resolution 2024-21.  Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion.   Motion carried 5-0.


Motioned: Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX  

9. Board Member Reports
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray


Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt - November meeting is later this week. 
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman - Unable to attend the last meeting. 
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards - was out of town and unable to attend., 
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls - Annual TIF reports were presented along with the spending plan. 
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray - The annual MVEF Bingo, Bags and Bourbon event was a success.   Preparation for the annual Gala has begun and will be held on April 12. 


10. Announcements
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr. Parker announced school will not be in session November 26-29 for Thanksgiving Break.  The MVCSC Annual Holiday Open House will be held December 3, 2024 from 2-5:30 in the Alumni Room.  



11. Adjournment
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Edward made a motion to adjourn the meeting.   Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

The meeting was adjourned at 7:57pm. 

Motioned: Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board Member

Mrs. Kellie Freeman, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Shannon Walls, School Board MemberX  
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board PresidentX  
Mr. Phil Edwards, School Board MemberX  
Mrs. Meghan Britt, School Board MemberX