Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

1. Pledge of Allegiance (7:00 PM)
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Chad Gray led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

2. Call to Order
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Chad Gray called the meeting to order at 7pm.

Mr Chad Gray recognized Dr. Parker as the District V Superintendent of the Year.  The board congratulated him for this honor   Mrs. Walls stated the board is very proud and excited for Dr. Parker.  Mr. Edwards expressed how appreciation of all the hard work he does.  Dr. Parker's leadership is why he ran for school board.   Dr.Parker thanked the board for the recognition and expressed appreciate to the board for all they do to support him. 


3. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Dr. Parker shared the updates to the agenda.   

Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the agenda. Mrs. Britt seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.

4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Please Reference Policies
H225 (Public Comments and Concerns) and
B225 (Meetings) for guidance on providing public input on an agenda item.
Board policies can be found at


No one signed in for comments 

5. Reports
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

5.1 Good News Report
Mrs. Maria Bond, Director of Community Relations


School Accolades & Notable Activities

  • Congratulations to Superintendent Dr. Jack Parker on being recognized as “Superintendent of the Year” for District V by the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS).
  • Congratulations to FES for achieving a 95% or higher pass rate on the 2024 IREAD assessment for the second consecutive year!
  • Seth Hamilton earned his Certified Education Technology Leader® (CETL) Certification from the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN).
  • MVHS Teacher, Leah Perry, and Football Coach, Vince Lidy, were named among the top three in their respective categories in the “Best of Hancock County” magazine.
  • The first-year HVAC students at MVHS earned their OSHA 10 Safety Certification.
  • In July, we reported that all elementary buildings received the Highly Effective School accreditation from Solution Tree, and we wanted to provide an update that MVMS and MVHS have also earned their HES accreditation by maintaining and growing identified areas that have the biggest impact on student learning and growth. MES held its Pirate Fun Run, raising $25,000 for student programming, supplies and materials, as well as teacher training and support.

Community Connections

  • MVCSC and the MVEF recently partnered to celebrate MV staff by hosting the “SOAR Into a New Year” event at the Indianapolis Regional Airport hanger. Many generous community businesses contributed to the event by providing food and prizes for staff.
  • FES hosted several guest speakers from the community to share insights about their professions and role in our community. The wide variety of careers included a K9 police officer, student resource officers, a Riley Hospital ER nurse, an INDOT public relations director, a United Airlines captain, and an engineer.
  • The Greenfield Banking Company launched the MV school spirit debit card where a donation to the MVEF is made every time the card is used.
  • Congratulations to Denise Kirby, MVHS alumna and president of the Athletic Association, who recently received the Distinguished Service Award from the Indiana Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association District IV (21 counties).

Dr. Parker shared Mr. Seth Hamilton,Director of Technology, has completed his CEFL certification.   Mr Hamilton introduced those from CEFL program who have mentored him through this certification.  They presented Mr. Hamilton with his award and expressed appreciation for his hard work on the Certified Educational Leader Exam. 

5.2 Preschool Renovation & Expansion
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer & Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent


Mr. Elkins and Mr. Smedley shared the report for the Preschool and Expansion.  Mr Elkins shared budget information.   In the Spring of 2022 this information was shared.  WIth other construction projects coming in under budget and ahead of the timeline has allowed us to move forward with this project.  Mr. Smedley shared the layout of the plans for the renovation and expansion.  Mr Elkins stressed this is all approved in the budget and not additional debt at this time. 

5.3 District Spotlight: Middle School
Dr. Lori Katz. Mt Vernon Middle School Principal


Dr. Parker introduced Dr Katz to provide the Spotlight on the middle school. 

MVMS students, Sydney, Regan and Zoe were present to talk about the Student Voice of MV, a new program at the middle school.   The Student Voice of MV is in its first year and is a school media team.   A weekly schedule and format was shared that is followed by the team.  Dr. Katz shared some future plans on what they would like to see happen with this program.   She mentioned how proud she is of the team and appreciated their hard work to represent their school.   They expressed their thanks to the board for allowing them to share their ideas and information on their voice.   

Mrs Freeman asked if parents can see the daily slides?   Dr. Katz shared that parents can see the slides but not videos.  Staff is taking the time to develop this program to be sure it is done right and insure safety of the students.  

6. Pre-Bargaining Public Hearing of the Classroom Teachers' Association and Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation
Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent

September 16, 2024, 7pm; Hearing Location:  MVCSC Board Room

Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(b) requires a school employer and school employees to hold a public hearing and take public testimony to discuss the items described in the Indiana Teacher Collective Bargaining Law (specifically Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(a)) before engaging in formal collective bargaining.

Therefore, Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation and the Mt. Vernon Classroom Teachers’ Association hereby convene this public hearing in accordance with SEA 390.  I am Chad Gray, School Board President, serving as the board’s representative for this joint public hearing.  Assistant Superintendent Chris Smedley, and CFO, Greg Elkins are joining me today to represent the school corporation. We are also joined by Desiray Scalf, President of the MVCTA, Kristi Norton, Vice President of the MVCTA. They are here on behalf of the Teachers’ Association.  We would like to thank everyone for being here today, representing both bargaining teams.  

As with all public comments before the school board, the parties request that all who speak at this hearing limit their comments to the subject at hand and speak concisely and cordially.


Mr Gray opened the public hearing at 7:26pm for public comments.  

No one was present to speak.  Hearing was closed at 7:27pm.

7. Public Hearing: 2025 Budget
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888) 739-9826.

Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 1806 W. State Road 234.

Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation, Hancock County, Indiana that the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2025 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will meet to adopt the following budget:

Date of Public Hearing Monday, September 16 2024 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 PM

Date of Adoption Meeting Monday, October 21 2024 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 PM

Public Hearing Place 1806 W. State Road 234

Adoption Meeting Place 1806 W. State Road 234




Mr. Elkins presented the Budget Public.  Mr Gray opened the public hearing at 7:29pm.  No one was present to speak.  The hearing closed at 7:30pm

8. 2025 Budget Action Item: Resolution 2024-16 Excess Levy Appeal
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Elkins presented the Resolution 2024-26 Excess Levy Appeal.  Mr Elkins asked for approval to be able to submitted the application. 

Mr Edwards motioned to approve the Resolution.  Mrs Freeman seconded the motion.  Mrs Freeman asked the money would be less next year   Mr Elkins shared the program may not be continued next year and is waiting to hear. 

Motion carried 5-0 

9. Consent Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr Gray reviewed the consent agenda.  Mrs Walls made a motion to approve the consent agenda items.   Mrs. Freeman   seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

9.1 Regular Session Minutes

9.2 Personnel Report



  1. Adam Morelock, MVMS 7th Grade Science Teacher
  2. Sarah Mills, FES Kindergarten Temporary  Teacher
  3. Michael Ashford, Administration Secondary 53 Teacher


  1. Ryan McAtee, MVMS 7th Grade Science Teacher


  1. Erin Walker, MVHS Custodian
  2. Kimberly Zeis, MVMS Guidance Secretary
  3. Natalie Johnson, FES Building Technician
  4. Yaketerina Nolte, MVHS ICE Student
  5. Tasha Elhag, Transportation, Substitute Bus Driver
  6. Larissa Plymale, MVMS Library Instructional Assistant
  7. Maya Morales, MVHS ICE Student
  8. Miranda Rehfus, FES Registered Teacher Apprentice
  9. Katelyn Captain, FES Registered Teacher Apprentice
  10. Emersyn Lusby, FES ICE Student
  11. Chelsey Manners, MMP Instructional  Assistant
  12. Kathleen Oberneder, MCE Custodian
  13. Tyree Noble, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver 
  14. Theresa Thomas, Transportation Bus Aide
  15. Maria Morales Perez, MVMS Instructional Assistant
  16. Samantha Oquendo, MMP Instructional Assistant
  17. Monica Nichols, MVHS Food Service
  18. Tracy Hoyt, Administration, SPED Nurse Salary Adjustment
  19. Cara Dever, MCE SPED IA/ENL IA 
  20. Daniel Dotson, MVHS Custodian
  21. Jeanne Cool, MCE Food Service


  1. Maria Gunter, Transportation Bus Driver
  2. Dawn Parker, Transportation Bus Driver
  3. Candace Woods, FES Instructional Assistant
  4. MaDonna Olson, MES Head Custodian
  5. Rockie Stamps, MCE Food Service
  6. Martha Graham, MVMS Instructional Assistant
  7. Lindsey Calvert, MVMS Instructional Assistant
  8. Colin Brown, Administration Custodian
  9. John Wilkinson, Transportation Bus Driver
  10. Brittany Clark, MVHS Food Service
  11. Ryan Strantz, MVHS Custodian
  12. Linda Smith, MVMS Attendance Secretary


  1. Brenda Edwards, Transportation from Bus Driver to Substitute Bus Driver
  2. Malinda Rose, MVMS High Intensity IA to Resource IA
  3. Alix Collins, FES High Intensity IA to Resource IA 
  4. (Susan) Diane Rafert, MES Food Service to Head Custodian
  5. Dylan Bupp, MVMS Instructional Assistant to Resource IA
  6. Kris Maynard, Transportation Bus Driver to Substitute Bus Driver


  1. MVMS ECA Stipends
  2. Dustin Ritz, MVMS 7th Grade Boys Basketball Assistant Coach


  1. Nicole Rehm, FES Student Council


    1.  Hailey Oak, MVMS Maternity Leave (August 8, 2024 to October 1, 2024)
    2. Terri Smith, Transportation Bus Assistant (September 9, 2024 to October  21, 2024)
    3. Haley Emmert, FES Maternity Leave (January 6, 2025 to May 30, 2025)
    4. Donna Huth, Maternity Leave (December 23, 2024 to March 14, 2025)
    5. Krista Weber, Administration FMLA (October 30, 2024 to December 11, 2024)

9.3 Claims

9.4 Construction Claims

9.5 Construction Change Orders

Millennium Contractors, LLC - MVMS Parking Improvements

BMI Corp. - New FES

James Babcock, Inc. - MV Site Lighting

Millennium Construction - Water Vault Relocation

Indiana Steel - New FES

Jack Laurie Floorings - New FES

PR Bean - New FES

Millennium Contractors, LLC - MVMS Parking Improvements

9.6 Monthly Fund Transfers

9.7 Overnight Field Trip Request

9.8 Donation Approval

10. Action Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

10.1 Administration Life Insurance Benefit Update
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr.Elkins shared the Life Insurance Benefit Update from LHD.   Life Insurance is being proposed for income replacement for administration level positions. Mt Vernon currently has a basic amount for all administrators.   LHD researched each administrators income and found a rate to have their income replaced at $56/administrator.  The additional cost would be $1000/annually to offer this.  Mr. Elkins asked for board approval of the new policy.  Mr Edwards made a motion to approve the life insurance benefit for administration.  Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.   Mrs Freeman asked after adding this for the administrators when would be the cost be looked at again to guarantee it does not increase.  Mr. Elkins stated they would review it regularly.  Mr Gray stated he thought the policy was outdated and appreciates the review and update for the administrators. 

Motion carried 5-0



10.2 2024-25 School Improvement Plans
Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent


Mr Smedley shared the information on the Annual School Improvement plans and what is required by the state.   Mr. Smedley introduced the principals.  Each principal presented their school improvement plans.   The principals work together to have set goals and with staff to have individual building goals. 

Mrs. Freeman motioned to approve the school improvement plans. Mrs. Walls seconded the motion. Mrs. Freeman expressed her appreciation to principals on their completion of these plans and understands the time it takes. Mrs. Walls shared her appreciation of the collaboration of staff in the building and the principals together to do what is best for students.   Motion carried 5-0






11. Board Member Reports
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray


Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt shared there was no meeting. 

Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman stated a couple of housing additions were discussed and they are in our district. .   

Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards attended with Dr. Parker.   The county RDC and Bill Spalding approved an amount of  $300,000 for the start up of the career center.  

McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls was not able to attend meeting 

MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray shared that MVEF hosted TopGolf event and it was a success.  He was appreciative of the effort and time they are putting in to support the schools and the success it has had.    Mr Gray is excited about the opportunities in the vocational experiences coming to MV

12. Announcements
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr Parker shared the following events.

September 18  is Parent/Teacher Connection Day.  The staff is excited to reinstate this as part of the strategic plan as it has been since 2019 these conference were held.  Sept 23 & 24 is the ISBA Conference and we have several staff member presenting.  Oct 2 will start Dr. Parker's Traveling Talks at Ranchera Restaurant. Oct 2 MV will host a Realtors Breakfast. Oct 4 Dr. Parker will start his School Visits  at McCordsville Elementary. Oct 4  is Homecoming. Fall Break will be Oct 14-18.

13. Adjournment
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr Edward motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm.  Mrs Britt seconded the motion.  Motion carried.