Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

1. Pledge of Allegiance (7:00 PM)
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Chad Gray led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

2. Call to Order
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Chad Gray called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

3. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Dr. Parker shared the updates to the agenda. Mrs Freeman made a motion to adopt the agenda. Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

4. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Please Reference Policies
H225 (Public Comments and Concerns) and
B225 (Meetings) for guidance on providing public input on an agenda item.
Board policies can be found at


No one signed in for comments.

5. Reports
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

5.1 Good News Report
Mrs. Maria Bond, Director of Community Relations


School Accolades & Notable Activities

  • On Agriculture Awareness Day, MVHS FFA students “planted seeds of knowledge” with fifth-grade FES students by bringing farm animals, a giant tractor, as well as shared how to plant seeds and discuss how to produce fruits and vegetables.
  • MVHS senior, Vurvian Woolston, has qualified as a semifinalist for the 2025 National Merit Scholarship. She is in the running still to go further in the competition and we will share updates on her progress.
  • MV was well represented at the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents and Indiana School Board Association’s conference with four staff members sharing their knowledge by either leading or participating in three different presentations regarding finances, breaking behavior silos and more.
  • MES had an enjoyable time naming their mascot Mr. McCord and introducing a new mascot costume to the students. Special thanks to their PTO for all their support in this fun endeavor.
  • On September 19, all six schools participated in the parent-teacher connection day. A survey was shared after and it seemed to be received very positively in the community.
  • Homecoming week was fun for all schools (and administration) as they participated in a variety of dress up days and enjoyed other fun activities that brought the Marauder community together. Congratulations to the MVHS varsity football team as they came off with another win against New Castle, and congrats also to MVHS’s homecoming king, Brodyn Gray and queen, Sophie Guthrie.
  • FES’s walkathon raised nearly $27,000 for the school and the PTO was integral in these efforts.
  • MES enjoyed “Rock Your School” week by creating a different or out-of-the-norm educational experience for their students. Teachers themed their educational activities, such as safari, outer space, neon 80’s rock and more.
  • MES students also “cashed in their reward” for reaching their fundraising goal and helped to duct tape Principal Miller and Assistant Principal Edwards to the wall.

Community Connections

  • MVCSC hosted a Realtor Breakfast with 42 realtors, developers and mortgage professionals enjoying a morning filled with both preschool students and the MVMS choir performing. They learned about MV growth and programming, as well as 17 realtors took advantage of the opportunity to get into our schools by joining us for a MVHS tour led by Principal Tharp.
  • As part of Fire Prevention Week, the Vernon Township Fire Department visited some of our young students at MES and shared safety education.
  • As part of Dr. Parker’s outreach efforts in the community, he schedules a time in each of our three towns to break bread and connect with anyone. His October “Traveling Talks” was held at Ranchera in the Cumberland or southern part of our district and approximately six parents and non-parents engaged with Dr. Parker and enjoyed having their questions answered.

Dr. Scott Shipley introduced David Spencer from Ninestar with a check for Robotics competition team Grant..  This grant will allow the robotics program to grow and develop.  This year Fortville Elementary will start a competition team for the first year.  

5.2 Spotlight on District: Special Programs
Mrs. Ashley Ridenour, Assistant Principal


Mrs. Ashley Ridenour presented information on the Special Programs at the Administration Building.  The Mini Marauder Preschool, Life Center and the Core programs are all currently housed at the Administration Building.  

The Mini Marauder has 127 students and 30 staff members.  Students are given services as needed and identified and allows them to grow and be prepared for Kindergarten.   This year a PTO was developed to help support the students and staff. 

The Life Center has 30 students. The programs services 8-12 grade student  based on the students needs.  Mr Fountain works closely with the High School Counselors to help these students grow in different areas along with their education. 

The Core program has two classrooms.   As of today there are nine students in the program.  The Core uses a reward medal system to help support the students which allows them to develop. 

Mrs Ridenour thanked the board to have the opportunity to serve the students and program.


5.3 Spotlight on District: Early Childcare
Dr. Brandy James


Dr. James presented information on the Early Child Care Grant.  She hared statistics on the cost of childcare for employees and why it is so important.  Currently 52 families receive $4000 each as a subsidy from this grant.  Mt. Vernon plans to use the grant to serve as many students as possible.   Families have given positive feedback on how this has helped their families with rent, mortgage and other family expenses.  They appreciate the support the corporation has given for their family. 

Mrs. Freeman asked if this is one year grant?  This is a one year grant and other opportunities are being looked at for the future.   Dr. Parker stated this will be a topic of conversation in Legislature to cover cost in the future and MV will be watching it closely.


6. Public Hearing: 2025 Bus Replacement Plan Amendment
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Complete details of the Bus Replacement plan may be seen by visiting the website of this unit of government at the following address:

Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation that the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the year 2025 proposed Bus Replacement Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions.

Public Hearing Date: October 21, 2024

Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM

Public Hearing Place: 1806 State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040

Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, the resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance as per IC 20-40-18-9(d).


Mr Elkins shared information on the Bus Replacement plan.  Mr. Gray opened the hearing up for public comment at 7:34pm.    No one was present to speak.  Mr. Gray closed the hearing at 7:35pm.


7. Consent Agenda
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Gray reviewed information on the consent agenda.  Mrs Walls made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0 

7.1 Regular Session Minutes

7.2 Personnel Report





  1. Audrey Catellier, FES Resource Teacher
  2. Edward Henderzahs, FES Physical Education (Retirement)



  1. Wynndel Finney, MVHS Food Service
  2. Sharika Fowler, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver
  3. Winsome Mitchell, MVMS 1:1 Instructional Assistant
  4. Deborah Hargraves, Administration Food Service Substitute
  5. Alexis Rafert, MES Food Service
  6. Ian Hanssen, Administration Custodian
  7. Cameron Baker, MVHS Permanent Substitute Teacher
  8. Marianne Besett, All Buildings Cafeteria Substitute
  9. Kristina Englehart, MES Instructional Assistant 
  10. Erika Monroy, All Buildings Cafeteria Substitute
  11. Brigitte Bussen, Administration HR Coordinator
  12. Claire Gray, MMP Instructional Assistant



  1. Denise Cooley-Goolsby, Administration HR Coordinator
  2. Betty Morris, Transportation Bus Driver
  3. Samantha Oquendo, MMP Instructional Assistant
  4. Terry Smith, MCE Custodian
  5. Grace Yantes, MES Instructional Assistant
  6. Amie Bone, MVHS Custodian
  7. Derek Kaminski, MVHS Custodian



  1. Alissa Canning, MVHS Food Service Cafeteria to Cafeteria Substitute
  2. Lilly Smith, Transportation moving to a full-time route
  3. Robert Pillow, Transportation Experience Verified
  4. Linda Harvey, Transportation Experience Verified
  5. Marla Sterrett, Transportation Experience Verified



  1. Lindsey Knight, MES Math Bowl
  2. Colin McAtee, MVMS Volunteer Wrestling Assistant Coach
  3. Ryan Johnson, MVMS 7th Grade Volunteer Assistant Baseball Coach
  4. Mike McQueen, MVMS 7th Grade Head Baseball Coach
  5. Eric Harnish, MVMS Weight Room Coach
  6. Jovan Joyner, MVMS Volunteer Assistant Baseball Coach
  7. Chase Wilkerson, MVHS Volunteer Wrestling Coach
  8. Chris Wilkerson, MVHS Volunteer Wrestling Coach



  1. Camille Hull, MVMS Student Council



  1. Julie Crist. MVHS FMLA (September 18, 2024 to To Be Determined)
  2. Brandi Delp, MVMS FMLA (October 31, 2024 to December 16, 2024)



7.3 Claims

7.4 Construction Claims

7.5 Construction Change Orders

MG Landscaping  - New FES

Johnson Melloh - New FES

AA Huber - New Transportation

Diversified Painting - New FES

7.6 Preschool Renovation & Expansion

7.7 Monthly Fund Transfers

7.8 Overnight Field Trip Request

7.9 Donation Approval

7.10 Destruction of Records

8. Action Items
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

8.1 Expulsion Appeal 2024-01
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Mrs. Walls made a motion to uphold the expulsion. Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion. 

Motion carried 5-0

8.2 Resolution 2024-17 2025 Budget Approval
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Elkins reviewed the budget for approval. Mr. Edwards made a motion to approve the budget at presented. Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.

Motion carried 5-0

8.3 Resolution 2024-18 2025 Bus Replacement Plan Amendment
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Elkins shared information on the Bus Replacement Plan Amendment.  Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the bus replacement plan.  Mrs. Walls seconded the motion.  Motion carried 5-0

8.4 Ratification of the Agreement for the 2024-25 Collective Bargaining Contract
Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent


Mr. Elkins shared the new 2024-25 Collective Bargaining Agreement and asked for board approval.  Mr.Edwards made a motion to approve the Collective Bargaining agreement.  Mrs. Britt seconded the motion. 

Mrs. Freeman thanked the administration staff and teachers that took them time to work through this process. 

Motion carried 5-0. 

8.5 First Reading of Policies

8.6 School Board Scholar Criteria
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr. Parker presented the new criteria for School Board Scholar program.   He explained the new criteria for the high school students.  High school students must have a 4.0 for all four quarters non accumulative to quality.  Notices will be sent via parent square to students and guardians at the end of each quarter. 

Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the new School Board Scholar criteria.  Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion. 

Mrs Freeman expressed her appreciation to Mrs. Tharp and her staff on their review of the new criteria.  This will allow the board to continue to recognize the best of the best on MV for this award. 

Motion carried 5-0.

9. Board Member Reports
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President

Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray


Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt - Upcoming budget was approved at this meeting. 
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman -  The meeting is on Tuesday night.
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards - There is no information pertaining to the schools. 
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls - There was no meeting this month.  
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray - The foundation will be hosting the school board candidate forum this Wednesday at 7pm.   On Nov 7 they will hold the annual Bingo, Bags and Bourbon Fundraiser. 


10. Announcements
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr. Parker shared information on the next Traveling Talks at DuLit on November 6 at 6pm.   


11. Adjournment
Mr. Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr Edwards made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.   Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.