Meeting Details
October 21, 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm
1 hr 30 min
Mt. Vernon Administrative Service Center
Mr. Chad Gray led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Chad Gray called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Dr. Parker shared the updates to the agenda. Mrs Freeman made a motion to adopt the agenda. Mrs. Walls seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Please Reference Policies
H225 (Public Comments and Concerns) and
B225 (Meetings) for guidance on providing public input on an agenda item.
Board policies can be found at
No one signed in for comments.
School Accolades & Notable Activities
Community Connections
Dr. Scott Shipley introduced David Spencer from Ninestar with a check for Robotics competition team Grant.. This grant will allow the robotics program to grow and develop. This year Fortville Elementary will start a competition team for the first year.
Mrs. Ashley Ridenour presented information on the Special Programs at the Administration Building. The Mini Marauder Preschool, Life Center and the Core programs are all currently housed at the Administration Building.
The Mini Marauder has 127 students and 30 staff members. Students are given services as needed and identified and allows them to grow and be prepared for Kindergarten. This year a PTO was developed to help support the students and staff.
The Life Center has 30 students. The programs services 8-12 grade student based on the students needs. Mr Fountain works closely with the High School Counselors to help these students grow in different areas along with their education.
The Core program has two classrooms. As of today there are nine students in the program. The Core uses a reward medal system to help support the students which allows them to develop.
Mrs Ridenour thanked the board to have the opportunity to serve the students and program.
Dr. James presented information on the Early Child Care Grant. She hared statistics on the cost of childcare for employees and why it is so important. Currently 52 families receive $4000 each as a subsidy from this grant. Mt. Vernon plans to use the grant to serve as many students as possible. Families have given positive feedback on how this has helped their families with rent, mortgage and other family expenses. They appreciate the support the corporation has given for their family.
Mrs. Freeman asked if this is one year grant? This is a one year grant and other opportunities are being looked at for the future. Dr. Parker stated this will be a topic of conversation in Legislature to cover cost in the future and MV will be watching it closely.
Complete details of the Bus Replacement plan may be seen by visiting the website of this unit of government at the following address:
Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation that the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on an amendment to the year 2025 proposed Bus Replacement Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions.
Public Hearing Date: October 21, 2024
Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM
Public Hearing Place: 1806 State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040
Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, the resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance as per IC 20-40-18-9(d).
Mr Elkins shared information on the Bus Replacement plan. Mr. Gray opened the hearing up for public comment at 7:34pm. No one was present to speak. Mr. Gray closed the hearing at 7:35pm.
Mr. Gray reviewed information on the consent agenda. Mrs Walls made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0
MG Landscaping - New FES
Johnson Melloh - New FES
AA Huber - New Transportation
Diversified Painting - New FES
Mrs. Walls made a motion to uphold the expulsion. Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0
Mr. Elkins reviewed the budget for approval. Mr. Edwards made a motion to approve the budget at presented. Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0
Mr. Elkins shared information on the Bus Replacement Plan Amendment. Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the bus replacement plan. Mrs. Walls seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0
Mr. Elkins shared the new 2024-25 Collective Bargaining Agreement and asked for board approval. Mr.Edwards made a motion to approve the Collective Bargaining agreement. Mrs. Britt seconded the motion.
Mrs. Freeman thanked the administration staff and teachers that took them time to work through this process.
Motion carried 5-0.
Dr. Parker presented the first reading of the new policies. These policies will be ready to approve at the next meeting.
Dr. Parker presented the new criteria for School Board Scholar program. He explained the new criteria for the high school students. High school students must have a 4.0 for all four quarters non accumulative to quality. Notices will be sent via parent square to students and guardians at the end of each quarter.
Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the new School Board Scholar criteria. Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion.
Mrs Freeman expressed her appreciation to Mrs. Tharp and her staff on their review of the new criteria. This will allow the board to continue to recognize the best of the best on MV for this award.
Motion carried 5-0.
Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray
Fortville RDC - Mrs. Meghan Britt - Upcoming budget was approved at this meeting.
Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman - The meeting is on Tuesday night.
Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Phil Edwards - There is no information pertaining to the schools.
McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls - There was no meeting this month.
MVEF - Mr. Chad Gray - The foundation will be hosting the school board candidate forum this Wednesday at 7pm. On Nov 7 they will hold the annual Bingo, Bags and Bourbon Fundraiser.
Dr. Parker shared information on the next Traveling Talks at DuLit on November 6 at 6pm.
Mr Edwards made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Britt seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.