Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

1. Call to Order
Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Gray led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mr. Gray called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.

2. Adoption of Agenda
Chad Gray, School Board President


Dr Parker confirmed there were no changes or updates to the agenda.  Mrs. Freeman made a motion to adopt the agenda     Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.   The motion carried 3-0

3. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Chad Gray, School Board President

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4. Action Items
Chad Gray, School Board President

4.1 Approval of Construction Bids
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

New Elementary School:

E-05 – Concrete & General Trades and E-18 Site Concrete & Sitework to
Gibraltar Construction Corp. in the amount of $ 4,895,000. This was submitted as an optional combination bid by the Contractor. This includes Alternate #2 for Tubular Skylights.
E-08 – Masonry to Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. in the amount of $ 3,587,000. There are no Alternates in this package.
E-10 – Aluminum Entrances, Storefront, Curtainwall, & Glazing to Delaware Glass Co., Inc. in the amount of $1,171,800. This does not include Alternate #4 for Sunshades.
E-19 – Asphalt to E&B Paving, LLC in the amount of $ 1,322,985. There are no Alternates in this package.
E-22 – Plumbing & Mechanical to Johnson-Melloh Inc. in the amount of $6,285,904. This includes Alternates #8A, 9A, 10A, and 11A for Mechanical Equipment, and #12A for Temperature Controls.
E-23 – Electrical & Technology to West Electric, Inc. in the amount of $3,250,591. This includes Alternate #2 for Tubular Skylights and Alternate#13A for Fire Alarm System.

New Transportation Center:

TR-09 – Canopies to TFC Canopy, a Division of Centurion Industries, in the amount of $777,705. This includes Alternate #1 for Bus Canopies.

Contract Change Orders:

TR-04 – Site Concrete and Utilities for Millennium Contractors, LLC, Base Contract $2,010,000.00 ADD Alternate #1A $212,000.00

Campus Site Lighting for James Babcock, Inc., Base Contract $673,100.00 DEDUCT $45,500.00 (accept Light Pile Alternate)


Mr.Elkins presented the bid packages to be reviewed by the board.  These bid packages were the collected by AECOM Hunt as the best credible and lowest bid offer.  Mr. Elkins explained the change orders recommended to bid approval package.  

Mr. Edwards motioned to approve the bid packages and change orders as presented.  Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion. 

Mr. Freeman asked if the change orders would affect the original budget. Mr. Luke Johnson was present and explained that it would not change the budget but additions as items came in lower that budget so enhancements were made that were originally removed due to budget constraints.   Decisions regarding electricity and general trades package took place. 

Mr. Elkins stated the AECOM Hunt team has done a great job pulling bid packages together with quality and able bidders.  These packages will allow contractors to get started and move the construction along to meet timelines.


5. Consent Agenda
Chad Gray, School Board President

5.1 Personnel Report


Mrs. Freeman made a motion to approve the personnel report.  Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-.0

6. Adjournment
Chad Gray, School Board President


Mr. Edwards made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mrs. Freeman seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:11 pm.