Mt. Vernon Board of School Trustees

1. Executive Session (5:30 p.m.)
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


The Mt. Vernon School Board of Trustees held an Executive Session at 5:30 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


Mrs. Freeman led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Public Hearing 2021 Budget (7:00 p.m.)
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


 Mrs. Freeman announced that three Public Hearings will be held preceding regular session of the Board.  The Board is holding Public Hearings for 2021 Budget; 2021 Bus Replacement Plan; and 2021 Capital Projects Plan.  Adoption of the 2021 Budget will take place during a special session on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 6;00 p.m.  Action on the Bus Replacement and Capital Projects Plan will take place immediately following each Public Hearing.  The public will have an opportunity to make comments about the budget and/or plans after the presentations.  

The Public Hearing 2021 Budget was opened at 7:02 p.m.  Notice of this Public Hearing was published on the DLGF Gateway website on September 10, 2020.  Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation not more than seven days after the hearing. 

Mr. Elkins reviewed the  2021 Budget as previously presented at the August 17, 2020 Board Meeting,   The Notice to Taxpayers notes the Budget Estimate for the following funds:  Rainy Day $150,000; Debt Service $10,007,499; School Pension $255,036; Education $27,568,398; and Operations $12,534,441 for a total of $50,515,374.  Maximum Estimated Funds to be Raised (including appeals and levies exempt from maximum levy limitations): Rainy Day $0 (not tax supported); Debt Service $14,401,388; School Pension $255,036; Education $0 (not supported by local property taxes); and Operations $5,157,431.  The Debt Service Fund equals  exactly the debt payments we need to make in 2021.  

Mrs. Freeman asked if there were any members of the public who would like to speak regarding the 2021 Budget Advertisement.  There were none.  The Public Hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.



3.1 2021 Budget Advertisement

4. Public Hearing - 2021 Bus Replacement Plan Amended
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


The Public Hearing 2021 Bus Replacement Plan was opened at 7:08 p.m.  Notice of this Public Hearing was originally published July 24, 2020 in the Greenfield Daily Reporter with the plan being made available for public viewing on the corporation's website.  In compliance with DLGF that the plan be published on the Gateway website at least 10 days prior to the hearing, the plan information was presented again.  The bus plan was published to Gateway on September 10, 2020.  Pursuant  to Indiana Code, following the Public Hearing, the Board may adopt the proposed plan as presented.  

Mr. Elkins reminded everyone that we will be trading in five buses and purchasing five new buses.  The bus quotes and specs were approved by the Board at the May 18, 2020 regular meeting at a total purchase cost of $661,565.00.  The corporation is required to list bus inventory for a rolling period of five years with the life of a bus anticipated  to be twelve years (state inspection requirements).  If  the proposed Bus Replacement Plan is adopted by Resolution, the Resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance.  

Mrs. Freeman asked if there were any members of the public who would like to speak regarding the 2021 Bus Replacement Plan.  There were none.  The Public Hearing was closed at 7:10 p.m.



4.1 2021 Bus Replacement Plan
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

5. Action Item: Approval of Amended 2021 Bus Replacement Plan
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President

5.1 Resolution 2020-36 Approval of 2021 Bus Replacement Plan (Amended)
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mrs Walls made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-36 Approval of 2021 Bus Replacement Plan.  Mrs. Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.


6. Public Hearing - 2021 Capital Projects Plan Amended
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


Mrs. Freeman opened the Public Hearing 2021 Capital Projects Plan at 7:11 p.m.  Notice of this Public Hearing was originally published on July 24, 2020 in the Greenfield Daily Reporter with the plan being made available for public viewing on the corporation's website.  In compliance with DLGF that the plan be published to the Gateway website at least 10 days prior to the hearing, the plan will be presented again.  The Capital Projects Plan was published to Gateway on September  10, 2020.    Pursuant to Indiana Code, following the Public Hearing, the Board may adopt the proposed plan as presented.  

Mr. Elkins presented the 2021-2023 Capital Projects Plan with no changes from last month's presentation.  The corporation is legally required to list any projects or capital asset purchases which might be paid for from the Operations and for Budget Year 2021 if the anticipated amount is $10,000 or more.  The plan does not obligate us to expend those funds and the plan could be amended as need with board approval.  Several items on recent plans includes mechanical, electrical, heating/cooling and roofing are being addressed as part of our 2020 Stewardship Project, with regular  maintenance of those improvements to be part of our ongoing capital plan.  If the proposed Capital Projects Plan is  adopted, the Resolution will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance.

Mrs. Freeman asked if there were any members of the public who would like to speak regarding the 2021-2023 Capital Projectst Plan.  There were none.  The Public Hearing was closed at 7:13 p.m.


6.1 2021-22 Capital Projects Plan
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

7. Action Item: Approval of 2021 Capital Projects Plan (Amended)
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President

7.1 Resolution 2020-37 Adoption of 2021 Capital Projects Plan (Amended)
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-37 Adoption of Capital Projects Plan (Amended) Budget Year 2021.  Mr. May seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.



8. Call to Order
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


Mrs. Freeman called the Regular Session to Order at 7:14 p.m.

9. Adoption of Agenda
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


There was one addition to the Personnel Report.  Mr. May made a motion to Adopt the Agenda as revised.  Mr. McCarty seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.


10. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President

0167.3 - Public Participation at Board Meetings
May only address items listed in the agenda
Must be recognized by presiding officer.
Must provide name, address, and group affiliation, if and when appropriate
Limited to 3 minutes duration
All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually


There were none.

11. Reports
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

11.1 Good News
Mrs. Maria Bond, Communications Director


Mrs.. Bond shared the following Good News:

1.  She pointed out there was ten pages of press in the board packet.

2.  MVMS received the "Champions in the Middle" Award fro the second consecutive year from the Special Olympics Indiana and the IHSAA.

3.  MVHS Football Coach Mike Kirschner was named Indianapolis Colts Coach of the Week earning him $1,000 as well as $1,000 for the MVHS Athletic Department and $2,000 to a local food pantry.

4.  MVMS received a grant from NineStar Connect to benefit their P.E., FACS and Swim Department.  Special thanks to Kay Burdine, MVMS Treasurer, for taking the initiative to apply for this grant.

5.  Harvest Church donated goodie bags for each of the Mt. Comfort Elementary teachers.

6.  WTHR featured the MVHS Band of Marauders as the Band of the Week on Sunrise.

7.  The Indy Star nominated MVHS Quarterback Gehrig Slunaker and Rylan Cole as Player of the Week.

11.2 Spotlight on Schools
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

Fortville Elementary School - Mrs. Stacy Muffler, Principal


Stacy Muffler, Principal at Fortville Elementary, gave a presentation Spotlighting her School.  She began by discussing their TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) journey.  Their journey began in June, 2019 when seven staff members formed a pilot team to begin TBRI training.  In August, the team grew to ten.  May, 2020 they implemented full training for elementary teachers across the district.  July-September 2020 training for all staff (I.A.'s, special education, special area teachers, etc.) will be completed.  A year later they have learned the importance of regulation, TBRI is for everyone, shame will never motivate, the importance of teaching students to use their words, the structure/nurture balance, and progress and healing are not linear.  One year later data also showed in-school and out-of-school suspensions were down approximately 50%. The goal is to see in and out-of-school suspensions to continue to go down along with office referrals .  Mrs. Muffler and her team have set three goals to focus on in the future:  Goal #1 All students will be able to check (identify) their engines (where emotions are); Goal #2 See a 20% decrease in office referrals from 2019-20 to 2020-21; and Goal #3 During Focus on Data) walks, circle time, nurture groups, and life value terms will be observed.  



11.3 Bayer Grant Recipient - MVMS Robotics Class
Mr. Scott Shipley, Director of Curriculum


Mr. Shipley shared with board members that Mt. Vernon Middle School has been awarded a $15,000 STEM Grant sponsored by Bayer and made possible by local farmers and America's Farmers Grow Rural Education, sponsored by Bayer Fund.  The grant funds will be used to supply equipment for the Middle School Robotics/Engineering II course taught by Brenda Schoenlein.  Local farmers Bob Cook and Courtney Widenhaupt nominated the Middle School for this honor.  Mr. Cook was in attendance and thanked by board members for his nomination.


12. Consent Agenda
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President

The school board shall use a consent agenda (Policy #0166.1) to keep routine matters. By a single motion, the Board approves/adopts the following items or actions which reflect application of School Board Policy and/or Indiana Code. Any items marked "Consent" may be removed from the agenda by a Board Member or the Superintendent.


Mrs. Walls made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items:

1.  Minutes of the August 17, 2020 School Board Meeting and September 8, 2020 Public Hearing;

2.  Claims;

3.  and the following Personnel Items:


Megan DeVries, MES Maternity Leave October 6, 2020 through December 18, 2020

Amanda Goodin, Mini-Marauder Preschool Special Education Teacher


Myra Hess, Mini-Marauder Preschool Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

Erin Cress, MES Special Education Instructional Assistant

Howard Savage, MVHS Instructional Assistant

Kristen Blakey, MVMS Essential Skills Instructional Assistant

Roc Martin, MVHS Custodian

Heather Verhoeff, MCE Cafeteria

Hannah Cordle, MVHS Cafeteria

Lindsey Frisby, MVMS Cafeteria (Termination)

Sarah Cruz, MES Cafeteria (Termination)


Lisa Hays, MES Special Education Instructional Assistant

Peyton Falls, FES Special Education Instructional Assistant

Yarmeth Hickman, Mini Marauder Preschool Instructional Assistant

Tasia Lewis, MCE Special Education Instructional Assistant

Robert Ross, MCE High Intensity Special Education Instructional Assistant

Sydney Huynh, MVHS Resource Instructional Assistant

Alexander Bouvier, MVHS Custodian

Gustavo Leon Gutierrez, MVHS Custodian

Ronald Corn, FES Custodian

Faith Hayes, FES Special Education Instructional Assistant

Vicky Griffey, MVCSC Administration Receptionist

Velina Dalchow, MVCSC Assistant Payroll/Benefits

Trinity Stommel, Mini-Marauder Preschool Instructional Assistant

Cynthia Webster, Sub Bus Driver/Bus Aide

MacKenzie Ralston, FES Instructional Assistant


Rachel Bratton, Transfer from Mini-Marauder Preschool Instructional Assistant to Preschool Instructor One Day a Week

Randi Goen, Transfer from Mini-Marauder Preschool Instructional Assistant to Preschool Instructor Four Days a Week

Cindy Thompson, Transfer from Part-time Prep Cook/Cashier to Full-time Cook Position at MVHS

Sarah Kunkle, Transfer from Part-time Prep Cook/Service to Full-time Cook Position at MVMS

Linda Walker, Transfer from Cafeteria Sub to Part-time Prep Cook/Server Position at FES

Connie Illy, Transfer from Part-time Prep Cook/Service to Full-time Cook Position at MCE

Pam Lyons, Transfer from MMS Health Room Assistant to MCE Health Room Assistant

Tracy Hoyt, Transfer from MCE Health Room Assistant to MVHS School Nurse


MVMS Non-Athletic ECA’s for 2020-2021 (per attached list)

Andy Williams, MVMS 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach

Drew Slentz, MVMS 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach

Peter O’Malley, MVMS 7th Grade Boys’ A Team Basketball Coach

Ryan Roland, MVMS 6th Grade Boys’ B Team Basketball Coach

Dylan Freeman, MVMS 7th Grade Boys’ B Team Basketball Coach

Joana Goff, MVMS 6th Grade Boys’ A Team Basketball Coach


Luke Webber, MVMS 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach


Lydgia Palmer, FES 4th Grade Teacher (FMLA November 9-December 7, 2020)

Craig Wooten, MVHS Custodian (FMLA August 7-20, 2020)

Sarah Hall, MVMS 6th Grade Teacher (Maternity Leave February 9-May 19, 2021)

Kacie Grimm, MVHS Counselor (Maternity Leave October 26-December 18, 2020)

Brooke Wilson, MCE Teacher (Leave of Absence October 5-December 4 2020)

There were no overnight field trip requests or requests to accept donations.

Mr. McCarty seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.


12.1 Regular Session Minutes

12.2 Claims

12.3 Personnel Report

12.4 Overnight Field Trip Request

There are none.

12.5 Request to Accept Donation

There are none.

13. Action Items
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President

13.1 1st Reading Policies
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

C425    Student Suicide Prevention and Awareness

C575    Homework

D175    Board-Staff Communications

E150    Programs for High Ability Students

E200    Credit for Religious Education

G425    Religious Ceremony-UPDATED Pledge of Allegiance and Moments of Silence

G450    Advertisements, Publications and Naming Rights

H200    Relations with Special Interest Groups



Dr.  Parker presented first reading of the following policies revised due to legislative changes and recommendations of our attorney.  As it is first reading, no action is required:

C425    Student Suicide Prevention and Awareness-previously title Student Suicide

C575    Homework-policy not yet adopted

D175    Board-Staff Communications-policy not yet adopted

E150    Programs for High Ability Students-policy not yet adopted

E200    Credit for Religious Education-policy not yet adopted

G425    Religious Ceremony-UPDATED Pledge of Allegiance and Moments of Silence-previously titled Religious Ceremony

G450    Advertisements, Publications and Naming Rights-policy not yet adopted

H200    Relations with Special Interest Groups-2020 Legislative update

13.2 2nd Reading Policies
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

A100    Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment

D200    Standard of Care and Supervision of Students

D425    Employee Benefits

E100    Adoption of Curricular Materials

E125    Promotion, Placement and Retention

G200    Environmental Health & Safety Issues

G225    Vehicle Idling

G475    Prohibition of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)

H125     District-Support Organizations

H175    The Schools and Governmental Agencies


Dr. Parker presented second reading of the following policies:

A100    Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment-Addition of Title IX

D200    Standard of Care and Supervision of Students-Addition of Title IX

D425    Employee Benefits-SBOA language udpate

E100    Adoption of Curricular Materials-policy not yet adopted

E125    Promotion, Placement and Retention-policy not yet adopted

G200    Environmental Health & Safety Issues-policy not yet adopted

G225    Vehicle Idling-policy not yet adopted

G475    Prohibition of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)-policy not yet adopted

H125     Corporation Support Organizations-policy not yet adopted

H175    The Schools and Governmental Agencies-policy not yet adopted

Dr. Parker recommended not adopting Policy E100 Adoption of Curricular Materials as it is not necessary and not required by law.  We still have an Administrative Guideline that guides our work.

Mr. May made a motion to adopt Policies A100, D200, D425, E125, G200, G225, G475, H125 and H175 as presented. Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.


13.3 School Improvement Plans
Mr. Chris Smedley, Assistant Superintendent


Each year at this time, every Indiana school is required to submit an updated School Improvement Plan, usually based on the previous year's performance, establishing goals and strategies for the current school year .  Building principals Stacy Muffler (FES); Stephanie Miller (MES); Alissa Lockwood (MCE); Ben Williams (MVMS); and Casey Dodd (MVHS) presented their updated School Improvement Pans for 2020-2021, per the attached.

Mr. McCarty made a motion to approve the school improvement pans as presented.  Mrs. Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

13.4 Approval to Contract with a Real Estate Broker
Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer


Mr. Elkins reminded board members that they gave him permission at the August 17, 2020 board meeting to seek out a real estate broker for the purpose of  engaging them in the sale of property MVCSC owns at the northeast corner of 600 W and 100N, Greenfield, Indiana.  A Notice of Determination to Engage a Broker was posted in the Greenfield Daily Reporter as required by law.  Mr. Elkins  is recommending Robert Robey of Berkshire Hathaway to serve as Real Estate Broker.   Mr. May made a motion to approve Mr. Bob Robey as our broker for the purpose o selling the land owned by the school corporation at W 100 North and N 600 West, Greenfield, IN.  Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.




13.5 Approve Updated Novel List
Mr. Scott Shipley, Director of Curriculum


Mr. Shipley stated at the May, 2020 board meeting, members adopted textbooks and the corporation's Novel List.  A process was created where teachers could update, change and make adjustments to that novel list.  One request has been received and the process completed by the Novel Committee.  The Committee is recommending the Mt. Vernon High School AP Language/Composition 12th  Grade Class replace the novel "In Cold Blood" with "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson.  He noted this is the only change to the Novel List from the list approved in May.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to accept the Novel List as presented.  Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.



14. Announcements
Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent


Dr. Parker thanked all the dedicated teachers and support staff working with our students during these impossible circumstances.  He is amazed at all their hard work and the extra time they have been putting in on behalf of Mt. Vernon students.   He further thanked administrators and expressed how proud he was of their leadership during these times.  He is very humbled by all their amazing work.



15. Adjournment
Mrs. Kellie Freeman, Board President


Mr. McCarty made a motion to adjourn at 8:12 p.m.  Mrs. Walls seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.