Board of School Trustees Meeting

Mt. Vernon Administrative Service Center
Monday, September 16, 2019 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm

    1. Public Hearing 2020 Budget 7:00 P.M.
    Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

    Budget Adoption Board Meeting September 30, 2019 at 6:00 P.M.

    2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    Pastor Phil Edwards, Fortville Nazarene Church

    3. Call to Order
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    4. Adoption of the Agenda
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    5. Reports
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    5.1 Good News
    Mrs. Maria Bond, Communications Director

    5.2 Spotlight on Schools
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    Mrs. Stephanie Miller, Principal, McCordsville Elementary School 

    6. Public Comments Regarding Agenda Items
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    0167.3 - Public Participation at Board Meetings
    May only address items listed in the agenda
    Must be recognized by presiding officer.
    Must provide name, address, and group affiliation, if and when appropriate
    Limited to 3 minutes duration
    All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually

    7. Consent Agenda
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    The school board shall use a consent agenda (Policy #0166.1) to keep routine matters. By a single motion, the Board approves/adopts the following items or actions which reflect application of School Board Policy and/or Indiana Code. Any items marked "Consent" may be removed from the agenda by a Board Member or the Superintendent.

    7.1 Executive Session Minutes

    7.2 Regular Session Minutes

    7.3 Claims

    7.4 Personnel Report

    7.5 Overnight Field Trip Request

    There are none

    7.6 Request to Accept Donation

    8. Action Items
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    8.1 Update on Energy Savings Plan
    Mr. Derek Shelton, Director of Operations

    8.2 Event Security Pay Recommendation
    Mr. Greg Elkins, Chief Financial Officer

    8.3 Classified Handbook

    8.4 Policy Updates/Revisions - First Reading

    8.5 Policy Deletions
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    8.6 Estimated Savings From TRF and General Plan on How We Will Utilize

    8.7 Budget Related Resolutions

    8.8 School Improvement Plans

    9. Board Member Reports
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President

    Fortville RDC - Mr. Tony May

    Cumberland RDC - Mrs. Kellie Freeman

    Hancock Co. RDC - Mr. Mike McCarty

    McCordsville RDC - Mrs. Shannon Walls

    MVEF - Mrs. Beth Smith

    10. Announcements
    Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent

    11. Adjournment
    Mrs. Shannon Walls, Board President
